MULTIEPORTAL eLearning Portal LMS/Mobile eLearning Apps for Medical Societies
MULTILEARNING Academy. CHETZRONI J. 01/05/14; 94854

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Over the years, MULTIEPORTAL State-of-the-Art eLearning Portal has become the ultimate standard among LMS eLearning Portals and Mobile learning Apps for Medical Societies Worldwide. A single destination for their members and customers to watch On Demand Webcasts, Live Broadcasts, ePosters, complete Self Assessments, Learning Quizzes, Clinical Cases, CME Accredited courses, Curricula and much more. The MULTIEPORTAL NavBar is designed to be the most powerful search tool ever built to instantly find content from medical societies. With MULTIEPORTAL, Today’s Essential Mobile Apps are included, at no extra cost for iPad/iPhone or Android Devices. MULTIEPORTAL comes with an integrated submission platform to allow their audience to submit abstracts, videos and more. It also offers a powerful administrative panel allowing our clients to manage user privileges, create, organize and publish content, track activity and much more. If your organization is looking for an eLearning Portal, embrace our successful vision today and move forward with the MULTIEPORTAL State-of-the-Art eLearning Platform, we’ve built it for you! – contact us @ or visit to try it out today!
Over the years, MULTIEPORTAL State-of-the-Art eLearning Portal has become the ultimate standard among LMS eLearning Portals and Mobile learning Apps for Medical Societies Worldwide. A single destination for their members and customers to watch On Demand Webcasts, Live Broadcasts, ePosters, complete Self Assessments, Learning Quizzes, Clinical Cases, CME Accredited courses, Curricula and much more. The MULTIEPORTAL NavBar is designed to be the most powerful search tool ever built to instantly find content from medical societies. With MULTIEPORTAL, Today’s Essential Mobile Apps are included, at no extra cost for iPad/iPhone or Android Devices. MULTIEPORTAL comes with an integrated submission platform to allow their audience to submit abstracts, videos and more. It also offers a powerful administrative panel allowing our clients to manage user privileges, create, organize and publish content, track activity and much more. If your organization is looking for an eLearning Portal, embrace our successful vision today and move forward with the MULTIEPORTAL State-of-the-Art eLearning Platform, we’ve built it for you! – contact us @ or visit to try it out today!
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